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Grigore Vasile HERMAN
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Publication Requirements:
Instructions for contributors
All manuscripts, literature reviews and discussions, together with the Cover Letter (completed in full and signed by all authors), have to be submitted only in the electronic version, in English, by an email sent at
Each manuscript must be submitted together with the above mentioned Cover letter, available here, certifying that the submitted manuscript represents the authors’ original work and that the manuscript was neither submitted for publication to another journal, nor has it already been published.
Following the submission date, the author(s) will be notified about the publication process within 8 weeks.
Please find the required format of the page bellow (also, please find enclosed a standard model)
1. Paper Paper size: A4: Apply to: whole document.
2. The information of the authors The personal information of the authors will be introduced after their names, and must contain the following: The name of the institution to which they belong, Department (if applicable), Faculty (if applicable), City, Country, E-mail address, ORCID number.
3. The abstract The abstract contains between 50 and 100 words (if is possible one paragraph); The abstract must contain a brief description of the aim of the article, methods of work and results. It should contain no comments and recommendations. The abstract should be written in English.
4. The key words The key words should be written in English. The list of key words must contain between 5 and 10 words.
5. The text of the article The text of the article must be written using the Times New Roman, 12 points. Following the before mentioned requirements, the length of the manuscripts should not be more than 14 pages, single spacing paragraph, including title, author(s), abstract, key words, text of the article, references (see standard model).
6. The figures (maps, images) The figures must appear on the page where the references about them are; The title of the figure must be numbered with Arabian numbers; (e.g.: “Figure 1. The map of the…”), which have to appear under the figure; The source of the figures/data must be written under the explanations; The figures should be black and white/color and there can be used pictures with a very good contrast (if possible no more than 4 shades); The figures will be sent as separate files and will be saved as JPEG/TIFF/Bitmap Images, with the minimum resolution 300 dpi.
7. The tables The tables are included in the text; The tables are numbered with Arabian numbers; The title of the table (e.g.: “Table 3”) which have to appear after the table; The source of the tables must be written under the explanations; The data in the table must be written in Times New Roman 10 points.
8. The footnotes The footnotes are numbered with Arabian numbers, starting from 1; We do not allow the endnotes in the Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites.
9. Web sources No
10. The newspaper sources If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name.
11. The abbreviations The abbreviations should be explained when they first appear in the text.
12. The mathematics relations The mathematics relations must be numbered with Arabian numbers (for example “3”) and indicate the formula(s)` source/author(s).
13. The citations and the references Citations will be in APA system. Literature citations and figure references should not appear in the abstract; The format of the citations should follow the common rules: - One author (Grigorescu, 2010); - Two authors (Grigorescu and Popescu, 2010); - More than two authors (Grigorescu et al., 2010); If you are listing several works published by the same author in the same year, they should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the year for each item (e.g.: Grigorescu, 2010a, Grigorescu, 2010b); If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name of the newspaper, date of publications and page (e.g.: Oradea Times, 11.3.2010, 13). All citations from the main text must be indicated in the reference list. The auto citations must be maximum 10% of list of references.
14. The acknowledgment This should be placed before bibliography, and must be written in third person (e.g.: The author(s) wished to thank … for his helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper); If the article presents results from research projects, the acknowledgment will be: This contribution presents some results from research projects …. The authors acknowledge to anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful suggestions and comments; The acknowledgment may be submitted as a separate document that will not be send for review, but will be included in the publication schedule for accepted papers.
15. The references (APA system) The references must appear at the end of the article; All references must to be connected with corresponding citation from main text; The format of the reference should follow the common rules;
- Journal articles (in English) Ionescu, M.F., Popescu, J., & Dumitrescu, I. (2016). The tourist map, scientific tool that supports the exploration of protected areas. GeoSport for Society, 4(1), 24-32.
- Journal articles (not in English) Popescu, O. (2006). Topoclimatele din munții Bihor și Vlădeasa [The mountain topoclimate Bihor and Vlădeasa]. Analele Universității din Oradea. Seria Geografie, 16(1), 15-24 (in Romanian).
- Books (English titles) Popescu, C., & Ionescu, M. (2014). Planning and designing sustainable and resilient landscapes, Springer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Books (not in English) Popescu, G.V. (2009). Omul şi modificările antropice din Câmpia Someşului [The man and anthropogenic changes in Somes Plain], Editura Universității din Oradea, Romania.
- Book chapter Ionescu, A., Popescu, C., & Dumitrescu, M. (2017). Geography of tourism in Romania. In The Geography of Tourism of Central and Eastern European Countries (pp. 329-374). Springer, Cham.
- Research reports, thesis, other unpublished materials (English titles) Lawrence, D.W. (2014). Investigation of geosites, Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, Houghton, USA.
- Research reports, thesis, and other unpublished materials, not in English Popescu, S.G. (2014). Transformarea peisajului structurilor de apărare în context urban [Transformanion of the defense structures landscape in an urban context], Doctoral Dissertation, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania.
16. The Article-Processing Fee Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites perceives an article-processing charge of 500 € for each article accepted for publication. No publication fee or other fees are charged, in addition to article-processing.
Address of the Editorial Office:
University of Oradea
Departament of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning
1 University Street, ”C” Building, Room 221, Oradea,
Bihor County, Postal Code 410087, ROMANIA
Phone/fax: +40.259.408.475